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domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013
sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013
jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013
The actor, Antonio Banderas, devotee of the Holy Week has been named Legionary Knight of Honour after the Legion landing on the port of Malaga and the transfer of the Christ of the Good Death.
miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013
Dario Fo, Italian satirist, playwright, theatre director, actor, composer and recipient of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature.
viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013
World Water Day - 22 March
An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day.
Each year, World Water Day highlights a specific aspect of freshwater. In 2013, in reflection of the International Year of Water Cooperation, World Water Day is also dedicated to the theme of cooperation around water and is coordinated by UNESCO in collaboration with UNECE and UNDESA on behalf of UN-Water.
miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013
As the Earth travels around the Sun in its orbit, the north to south position of the Sun changes over the course of the year due to the changing orientation of the Earth's tilted rotation axes. The dates of zero tilt of the Earth's equator correspond to the Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox.
What are Equinoxes?
Equinoxes occur when the axis of rotation of the earth (i.e. the line form the N to S poles) is exactly parallel to the direction of motion of the earth around the sun. This happens on just two days of the year, the spring and autumn equinoxes. This means that day length is exactly the same (12 hours) at all points on the earth's surface on these days (except right at each pole, where it will be about to change from permanent light to dark, or vice versa).
Where does the name Equinox come from?
The name is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night), because at the equinox the night and day are nearly equally long.
How many times a year does a Equinox occur?
Equinoxes occur twice a year.
The Spring Equinox
The Spring Equinox is the first day of spring season and occurs when the sun passes the equator moving from the southern to the northern hemisphere. The North Pole begins to lean toward the sun again.
Day and night have approximately the same length.
Spring Equinox is near 20 March.
The posh name for Spring Equinox is Vernal Equinox.
Did you know?
Equinoxes do not always occur on the same day each year, and generally will occur about 6 hours later each year, with a jump of a day (backwards) on leap years.
Why do the equinoxes not always occur on the same day each year?
The reason is due to the time the Earth takes to go around the Sun and our calendar.
The Earth takes approximately 365.25 days to go around the Sun, yet our year is 365 days. Every 4 years, we have a leap year where another day is added to our calendar to make up for the 4 missing quarters. It is important to do this so that there is not a gradual drift of date through the seasons.
martes, 19 de marzo de 2013

Pope Francis has inaugurated
his papacy at a Mass in Rome, calling on global leaders and all the people of
the world to defend the poor and the weak.
The pope delighted the
crowd when he arrived in an open-top popemobile and drove through the crowd, at
one point getting out to kiss an ill or disabled man.
Up to 200,000 people attended the Mass in St Peter's
Square in the Vatican.
His homily focused on protection - of the environment,
children, the elderly and those in need, who he said were "often the last
we think about".
Pope Francis, formerly Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario
Bergoglio and now the first pontiff from the Americas, has since his election
called for a "Church for the poor" and has struck an informal and
spontaneous tone.
His chosen name,
Francis, honours St Francis of Assisi, the 13th-Century son of an aristocrat
who spurned a life of luxury to live with and for the poor.
Pope Francis' homily at the Mass began
by focusing on Joseph and his role as protector - of Mary, Jesus and the

At his first appearance on the balcony
of St Peter's, Pope Francis chose not to wear the red mozzetta (cape). He also chose not to wear the ornate
Papal stole, except for the blessing.
2. The most
recognised symbol of the Christian church around the world, the Pope wears a
cross on the chest, usually suspended from the neck by a cord or chain. Pope Francis opted for an iron cross
rather than the ornate gold one
A special ring, unique to each Pope, is
presented as part of the inauguration mass. Pope Francis selected a gold-plated,
silver ring instead of the usual gold one.
Along with the ring a pallium is placed
on the Pope during inauguration mass. This is a narrow scarf woven of white
lamb's wool - symbolizing Jesus as the good shepherd. In contrast to Pope Francis' simple
papal mitre
5. Pope Francis wore plain, dark leather shoes.

The Spanish Constitution of 1812 was publicly enacted at the Oratorio San Felipe Neri building in Cadiz during a period in which Spain was under occupation by Napoleon's troops and coincided with the celebration of Saint Joseph's Day (San José in Spanish). Hence the name "La Pepa" since anyone with the name "José" in Spanish is familiarly known as "Pepe".
The Spanish Constitution of 1812 soon became a true symbol of democracy as it influenced the text of several other European constitutions, as well as the constitutional foundations for most Iberian-American States following their independence from Spain.
"La Pepa" was the first Spanish constitution to establish popular sovereignty, the separation of powers, the freedom of expression and freedom of the press.
In other words, two hundred years ago, the Spanish became pioneers when they implemented values, freedoms and civil rights in a tangible fashion that are unquestionable today and form an intrinsic part of the national identity.
Two centuries on and this historic milestone is being commemorated as an event that transformed Spain into a solid democracy.
As part of these commemorations surrounding this bicentenary, plans have been made to hold numerous commemorative, cultural and academic events in the city of Cadiz throughout 2012.
domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013
The fraternities carrying out these transfers are:
Viernes, 15 de marzo:
El Rescate: desde la Capilla “Faro de la Victoria” en C/ Agua a su C. H. en la misma calle, a las 21:00 h.
Estudiantes: desde la Iglesia de San Agustín a su C. H. en C/ Alcazabilla, a las 22:00 h.
Sábado, 16 de marzo:
La Cena: desde la Iglesia de Los Santos Mártires a su C. H. en C/ Compañía, a las 11:45 h.
Domingo, 17 de marzo:
Nueva Esperanza: desde la Parroquia de Santa Ana y San Joaquín a su C. H. en Camino de los Castillejos, a las 12:45 h.
La Sangre: desde la Parroquia de San Felipe Neri a su C. H. en C/ Dos Aceras, a las 11:00 h.
Gitanos: desde la Iglesia de Los Santos Mártires a su C. H. en C/ Frailes, a las 17:30 h.
El Prendimiento: desde la Iglesia de la Divina Pastora a su C. H. en C/ San Millán, a las 17:30 h.
Pollinica: desde la Iglesia de S. Agustín a su C. H. en C/ Parras, a las 18:30 h.
Viñeros: desde la Iglesia de la Virgen de la Aurora a su C. H. en la Plaza de los Viñeros, a las 20:00 h.
El Huerto: desde la Iglesia de Los Mártires a su C. H. en la Plaza de la Virgen de la Concepción a las 18:45 h.
Las Penas: Entronización del Santísimo Cristo de la Agonía en el interior del Oratorio de Santa María Reina y Madre, sito en Plaza Virgen de las Penas, a partir de las 19:30 h.
La Esperanza: Traslado claustral desde la Basílica al Museo, sita en C/ Hilera, a las 20:30 h.
La Piedad: desde la Capilla de la Piedad a su C. H. en C/ Alderete, a las 20:00 h.
Martes, 19 de marzo:
Rocío: desde la Iglesia de S. Lázaro a su C. H. en C/ Párroco Ruiz Furest, a las 21:30 h.
La Humildad: Vía Crucis y traslado claustral con la imagen del Cristo de la Humildad, a las 21:30 h. en la Basílica R.S. de la Victoria.
Salutación: Vía Crucis de traslado claustral a las 23:30 h. en la Parroquia de San Felipe Neri.
Rocío: desde la Iglesia de S. Lázaro a su C. H. en C/ Párroco Ruiz Furest, a las 21:30 h.
La Humildad: Vía Crucis y traslado claustral con la imagen del Cristo de la Humildad, a las 21:30 h. en la Basílica R.S. de la Victoria.
Salutación: Vía Crucis de traslado claustral a las 23:30 h. en la Parroquia de San Felipe Neri.
Jueves, 21 de marzo:
El Rico: Desde la Iglesia de Santiago a su C. H. en C/ de la Victoria a las 21:00 h.
La Pasión: Traslado claustral en la Iglesia de los Santos Mártires a las 22:00 h.
El Rico: Desde la Iglesia de Santiago a su C. H. en C/ de la Victoria a las 21:00 h.
La Pasión: Traslado claustral en la Iglesia de los Santos Mártires a las 22:00 h.
Viernes, 22 de marzo:
Monte Calvario: desde la Capilla del Monte Calvario a la Basílica de Santa María de la Victoria, a las 19:00 h., sólo la Virgen.
La Salud: traslado claustral en la Parroquia de San Pablo, a las 20:30 h.
Crucifixión: desde la Parroquia del Buen Pastor a su Casa Hermandad en C/ Diego de Siloé, a las 21:00 h. Entronización del Cristo.
Dolores del Puente: traslado claustral en la Parroquia de Santo Domingo a las 20:45 h.
Hermandad de la Sta. Cruz: traslado claustral en la Parroquia de San Felipe Neri, a las 20:30 h.
La Expiración: desde la Iglesia de S. Pedro a su C. H. en Plaza de Enrique Navarro, a las 22:00 h.
Santo Traslado: Vía Crucis en la Iglesia de S. Pablo (interior). Traslado desde la Iglesia a su C. H. en C/ Trinidad, a las 23:30 h.
Monte Calvario: desde la Capilla del Monte Calvario a la Basílica de Santa María de la Victoria, a las 19:00 h., sólo la Virgen.
La Salud: traslado claustral en la Parroquia de San Pablo, a las 20:30 h.
Crucifixión: desde la Parroquia del Buen Pastor a su Casa Hermandad en C/ Diego de Siloé, a las 21:00 h. Entronización del Cristo.
Dolores del Puente: traslado claustral en la Parroquia de Santo Domingo a las 20:45 h.
Hermandad de la Sta. Cruz: traslado claustral en la Parroquia de San Felipe Neri, a las 20:30 h.
La Expiración: desde la Iglesia de S. Pedro a su C. H. en Plaza de Enrique Navarro, a las 22:00 h.
Santo Traslado: Vía Crucis en la Iglesia de S. Pablo (interior). Traslado desde la Iglesia a su C. H. en C/ Trinidad, a las 23:30 h.
Sábado, 23 de marzo:
El Cautivo: desde la Parroquia de S. Pablo a su C. H. en Plaza de Jesús Cautivo a las 08:00 h. Misa del Alba (06:00 h.)
Dulce Nombre: desde la Parroquia de la Divina Pastora a su tinglado en Plaza de Capuchinos a las 11:45 h.
El Amor: desde la Basílica de Sta. María de la Victoria a su C. H. en C/ Fernando el Católico, a las 18:30 h.
La Sentencia: desde la Iglesia de Santiago a su C. H. en C/ Frailes, a las 19:00 h.
Zamarrilla: desde la Parroquia de Sta. María de la Amargura a su C. H. en C/ Martínez Maldonado, a las 19:00 h.
Misericordia: desde la Iglesia del Carmen a su C. H. en Pza. de Toros Vieja, a las 21:00 h.
Mena: Vía Crucis a las 20:30 h. Traslado de la Virgen desde la Parroquia de Sto. Domingo a su C. H. en Plaza de Fray Alonso de Sto. Tomás, a las 21:00 h.
Sepulcro: desde la Iglesia de los Santos Mártires a su C. H. en C/ Alcazabilla, a las 21:00 h.
El Cautivo: desde la Parroquia de S. Pablo a su C. H. en Plaza de Jesús Cautivo a las 08:00 h. Misa del Alba (06:00 h.)
Dulce Nombre: desde la Parroquia de la Divina Pastora a su tinglado en Plaza de Capuchinos a las 11:45 h.
El Amor: desde la Basílica de Sta. María de la Victoria a su C. H. en C/ Fernando el Católico, a las 18:30 h.
La Sentencia: desde la Iglesia de Santiago a su C. H. en C/ Frailes, a las 19:00 h.
Zamarrilla: desde la Parroquia de Sta. María de la Amargura a su C. H. en C/ Martínez Maldonado, a las 19:00 h.
Misericordia: desde la Iglesia del Carmen a su C. H. en Pza. de Toros Vieja, a las 21:00 h.
Mena: Vía Crucis a las 20:30 h. Traslado de la Virgen desde la Parroquia de Sto. Domingo a su C. H. en Plaza de Fray Alonso de Sto. Tomás, a las 21:00 h.
Sepulcro: desde la Iglesia de los Santos Mártires a su C. H. en C/ Alcazabilla, a las 21:00 h.
Martes, 26 de marzo
Salesianos: desde el Santuario de María Auxiliadora al tinglado cercano a la Parroquia de la Divina Pastora, a las 18:30 h.
Salesianos: desde el Santuario de María Auxiliadora al tinglado cercano a la Parroquia de la Divina Pastora, a las 18:30 h.
Miércoles, 27 de marzo
Ánimas de Ciegos (Fusionadas): traslado y entronización del Sto. Cristo de Ánimas de Ciegos, a las 10:30 h.
Ánimas de Ciegos (Fusionadas): traslado y entronización del Sto. Cristo de Ánimas de Ciegos, a las 10:30 h.
Jueves, 28 de marzo
Descendimiento: Capilla del Hospital Noble a las 11:00 h.
Mena: traslado de la imagen del Cristo de Mena desde la Parroquia de Sto. Domingo a su C.H. en Plaza de Fray Alonso de Sto. Tomás, a las 12:00 h
Descendimiento: Capilla del Hospital Noble a las 11:00 h.
Mena: traslado de la imagen del Cristo de Mena desde la Parroquia de Sto. Domingo a su C.H. en Plaza de Fray Alonso de Sto. Tomás, a las 12:00 h
Viernes, 29 de marzo:
Amor: traslado del Cristo desde la Basílica de Sta. María de la Victoria a su C.H. , a las 10:15 h.
Monte Calvario: traslado del Cristo desde la Ermita del Monte Calvario a la Basílica de Sta. María de la Victoria, a las 16:00 h
Amor: traslado del Cristo desde la Basílica de Sta. María de la Victoria a su C.H. , a las 10:15 h.
Monte Calvario: traslado del Cristo desde la Ermita del Monte Calvario a la Basílica de Sta. María de la Victoria, a las 16:00 h
sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013
miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013
Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the new Pope
The Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio from Argentina is the new Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Francis I. is the first Jesuit in the papal office and also the first non-European.
The Roman Catholic Church experienced a double premiere: for the first time in history there is a Pope who comes from South America. And for the first time a member of the Jesuit order holds the highest ecclesiastical Office. The Argentinian Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope on Wednesday evening in the fifth round of votes. Until now, the 76-year-old had been the Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Bergoglio’s name as Pope is Francesco (Francis), he is the first Pope who has chosen this name.
He explained that he had chosen his name because he was inspired by St Francis of Assisi, who turned his back on his family's wealth to dedicate his life to the poor.
lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013
‘Opportunity through Enterprise’ – the Commonwealth theme for 2013
This year, Commonwealth Day will be
celebrated across the world on Monday, 11
March. Since 1977, Commonwealth Day has
been celebrated on the second Monday in
March each year – a day when schools are
open in all Commonwealth countries – and is
an opportunity to promote understanding on
democratic values, the dignity of citizens and opportunities for youth across the
celebrated across the world on Monday, 11
March. Since 1977, Commonwealth Day has
been celebrated on the second Monday in
March each year – a day when schools are
open in all Commonwealth countries – and is
an opportunity to promote understanding on
democratic values, the dignity of citizens and opportunities for youth across the
In 1958, Commonwealth Day replaced Empire Day, which had been celebrated on 24 May since Queen Victoria's reign. On that day school children would wear red, white and blue, the colours of the Union Jack.
In the United Kingdom, Commonwealth Day is marked by a multi-faith service in Westminster Abbey, normally attended by Queen Elizabeth II, Head of the Commonwealth, with the Commonwealth Secretary-General and Commonwealth High Commissioners in London.
Commonwealth Countries
Presently, there are 54 states that are members of the Commonwealth of Nations.
Three members are in Europe, twelve in North America, one in South America, nineteen in Africa, eight in Asia, and eleven in Oceania (including one suspended member, Fiji). There are six former members, four of which no longer exist.
More information link http://www.thecommonwealth.org/
More information link http://www.thecommonwealth.org/
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