From this origin hundreds of years ago to its present day celebration, the holiday has been associated with a variety of festivals and special events.
For Christians, this is the most important holiday of all, as it marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave.
For non-Christians, Easter represents a day to celebrate the coming of spring in the northern hemisphere. As the holiday is relative depending on the days of the calendar, Easter is held on different days over the years.
Friday is a public holiday in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. On Good
Friday, Christians remember the day when Jesus was crucified on a cross.
was arrested and was tried, in a mock trial. He was handed over to the Roman
soldiers to be beaten and flogged with whips. They also thrust a crown of long,
sharp thorns upon his head. Jesus was forced to carry his own cross on the trek
from the city to Skull Hill. He was so weak after being beaten that a man was
pulled from the crowd and made to carry Jesus' cross up the hill. Jesus was
nailed to the cross and two other criminals were crucified with him. Their
crosses were placed on either side of him. A sign above Jesus read ” The King of
the Jews”
the early nineteenth century, Good
Friday and Christmas Day were the only two days of leisure which were almost universally granted
to working people. Good Friday today is a public holiday in much of the UK.
Many businesses are closed on Good
Many churches
throughout the UK hold a special service. This may be o'clock
as that is about the time of day when Jesus died.

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