Holy Week in Malaga is a representation of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is a tradition that has become increasingly popular since the founding of the first brotherhood (Archicofradía de la Sangre (1507)) back in the 16th C.
It is a tradition that has become increasingly popular since the founding of the first brotherhood (Archicofradía de la Sangre (1507)) back in the 16th C.
The Pregon
Each year before Easter, it takes place the proclamation that opens the week of passion. The Malaga Cervantes Theatre wears her best dress, in which a relevant person in the Malaga Holy Week world gives way to read the proclamation. The heart is pounding in the heart of Malaga, within those who walk in search of hope, an answer. Holy Week begins.
Passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
The images of the steps represent the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. It has the following structure:
- Dolores Friday, Saturday and Palm Sunday: Transfers and tuning; entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week: Memories of the last week of Jesus' life and preparation for the Easter Vigil. From the Parish of St. Paul (San Pablo) in the popular and humble backstreet of Trinidad, the considered as "pattern of Malaga", “el Cautivo”, goes out. Thousands wait hours before to enjoy the procession.
- Maundy Thursday. The Legion landed at the Malaga Port to carry the Christ of the Good Death, taking it in a horizontal position and taking up freehand, with arms outstretched.
- Good Friday: it is commemorated the drama of Christ's death. It is the image of Jesus crucified.
- Easter Sunday: commemorates the resurrection of Christ.
- Dolores Friday, Saturday and Palm Sunday: Transfers and tuning; entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week: Memories of the last week of Jesus' life and preparation for the Easter Vigil. From the Parish of St. Paul (San Pablo) in the popular and humble backstreet of Trinidad, the considered as "pattern of Malaga", “el Cautivo”, goes out. Thousands wait hours before to enjoy the procession.
- Maundy Thursday. The Legion landed at the Malaga Port to carry the Christ of the Good Death, taking it in a horizontal position and taking up freehand, with arms outstretched.
- Good Friday: it is commemorated the drama of Christ's death. It is the image of Jesus crucified.
- Easter Sunday: commemorates the resurrection of Christ.
Tranfers (Traslados)
Transfers are the route the images make from their respective Headquarters Canonical, where they are revered throughout the year, and days before leaving in procession to his fraternity house, where they are settled in their respective thrones. It has become a ritual of testing and development of what will be the Official Route of Holy Week in the following days.
The Thrones Output
The thrones output of the Fraternity House is the starting point of the procession route. Brotherhood people, the band and the penitent procession carry an entire year working and practicing for processions reach all expectations.
Sometimes they live moments of maximum tension when weather conditions threaten to cancel the passage of the procession. The delicate material of the images and blankets, and the throne ornament of priceless historical and cultural force the Big Brothers to cancel out so as not to risk their precious heritage despite a hard year of work and wait.
Sometimes they live moments of maximum tension when weather conditions threaten to cancel the passage of the procession. The delicate material of the images and blankets, and the throne ornament of priceless historical and cultural force the Big Brothers to cancel out so as not to risk their precious heritage despite a hard year of work and wait.
Official Route
The Official Route is the common way that all fraternities do and goes from the Alameda Principal to Calle Larios, Plaza de la Constitución and Calle Granada. Mobility on either side of the street is impossible for the multitude gathered to see the steps.
Closures (Encierros)
In the closures we live one of the most emotional moments of the procession. His journey ends here and all penitents and brothers see his Christ or Virgin off until next year. Thrones carriers bow to their images, even in some of the steps raise pulse the thrones creating a really emotional scene. The last drums roll, the last horn notes and the clarinets silence gives way to next year ... Do you want to wait another year? Come and feel it!
The Saeta
Throughout the course of the different Easter processions you will enjoy the song by different artists dedicated to their Virgin. The crowd falls silent and candlelight create a magical atmosphere, incense penetrates our senses and from a balcony, a Saeta emanate from the deepest feeling to honour the Virgin. Although the best is not we tell you, come and live it! As we say in Malaga: You put the hair on end!
The Legionnaires
The parade of Legionnaires begins with the landing at the Malaga Port and the transfer of the Christ of the Good Death (Cristo de la Buena Muerte) and the Virgin of Solitude of Mena (Virgen de la Soledad de Mena) to their brotherhood house.
This Holy Week procession is especially dear because of the spectacular scenic of the military. They march with firm steps and harmonized, singing hymns and songs to the homeland and the Virgin. At certain points along the route, it takes place demonstrations of skill with regulations weapons leaving astonished all the spectators, they are incredible jugglers! Leading the procession the goat of the legion walks as the pet of this training. She is usually the favorite character of children.
This Holy Week procession is especially dear because of the spectacular scenic of the military. They march with firm steps and harmonized, singing hymns and songs to the homeland and the Virgin. At certain points along the route, it takes place demonstrations of skill with regulations weapons leaving astonished all the spectators, they are incredible jugglers! Leading the procession the goat of the legion walks as the pet of this training. She is usually the favorite character of children.
You cannot lose, at different points along the route, the rain of petals that many of the locals throw from their balconies to the passage of the Virgin or Christ as an offering to them. The images faithful applaud and celebrate this practice that makes this event even more lively and participatory.
The thrones are heavy steel structures specially designed to withstand high loads. The main body of the structure is the part where it is set the image of Christ or the Virgin that in many processions it is covered by a canopy. This central body is supported by the shafts which are slender cantilever.
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