Easter Sunday is the Sunday following the
Paschal Full Moon (PFM) date for the year.
(Paschal is pronounced "PAS-KUL", not
In June 325 A.D. astronomers approximated
astronomical full moon dates for the Christian church, calling them
Ecclesiastical Full Moon (EFM) dates.
- From 326 A.D. the PFM date has always been the EFM date after March 20 (which was the equinox date in 325 A.D.)

This was achieved in 1583 .D. using skill and
common-sense by Pope Gregory the 13th, and his astronomers and mathematicians,
predominantly Lilius and Clavius, by introducing their new larger (revised) PFM
Gregorian dates table. This replaced
the (original) 326 A.D. "19 PFM dates" table in the Julian calendar.
Easter Sunday, from 326 A.D., is always one of
the 35 dates March 22 to April 25.
From 31 A.D. to 325 A.D. Easter Day was
celebrated either:
(a) on or just after the first day of the
Jewish Passover (no matter on which day of the week that Easter Day occurred),
(b) on a Sunday close to or on the first
Passover Day.
Both of these methods existed continuously
throughout this period.
From 326 A.D. to 1582 A.D. Easter Sunday date
was based on the Julian calendar in use at that time. It became defined as the Sunday following
the Paschal Full Moon date for the year, using a simple "19 PFM dates"
The Julian calendar was replaced by the
Gregorian calendar in October 1582 to re-align March 20 (and therefore Easter)
with the seasons by removing 10 dates October 5 to 14, 1582. This replacement did not occur until later
in many countries e.g. in September 1752 in England.
The Gregorian calendar very closely maintains
the alignment of seasons and calendar dates by having leap years in only 1 of
every 4 century years, namely, those divisible exactly by 400. One additional February 29 date will need to
be removed in about 4140 A.D., therefore Easter calculations will need to use
the changed Days of Week of PFM dates when the exact year for this removal is
From 326 A.D., the Easter Sunday Date for any
given year is NOT determined by the March Equinox date for that year. March 20 (not March 21) is the most common
Gregorian Equinox date from 1583 to 4099 A.D.
Historically, references to March 21 have
caused mistakes in calculating Easter Sunday dates. March 20 has become the important date in
recent Easter dating methods. Despite
frequent references to March 21, this date has no special significance to any
recent Easter dating methods.
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