It was on this day that Jesus attended the Last Supper, where he created the Eucharist and washed the feet of his disciples to show that we must clean our hearts. Following the betrayal of Judas, Jesus Christ was arrested, judged before Pontius Pilate, and condemned.
The Thursday is without doubt the most popular day of the Holy Week Malaga in terms of attendance, which makes it difficult to get around and find spots that are not too crowded.
- Morning -
We suggest that you be at the Malaga port for 11:00 to witness the legionary troops as they arrive in Malaga; these soldiers lift El Cristo de la Buena Muerte onto its processional trono (12:00) and subsequently carry it to the society's procession. After midday, a visit to the temple-museum of the Esperanza society to take a closer look at the tronos of El Nazareno del Paso and La Virgen de la Esperanza on the biggest trono of the world (More than 5 tons of weight and carried by more than 260 members) is a must.
- Afternoon/evening -
We recommend that you head for Calle Carretería at 17:30 to see the departure of the Viñeros society and witness the ceremonial placing of the key in the hand of the Nazarene. Afterwards, at 18:30, make for the Alameda Principal to see the walking catherdrals that are the tronos of La Sagrada Cena and La Virgen de la Paz. At the nearby Puente de Tetuán you can admire the procession of the Congregación de Mena accompanied by the Legion and the Navy. Then, if you can manage to exit the Alameda Principal via a side street, go to Calle San Agustín to follow the sombre cortege of La Santa Cruz until it reaches Plaza de la Merced at around 21:00.
- Night -
After a visit to one of the restaurants in the town centre to sample the wide variety of tapas and dishes on offer, you can enjoy the visual feast provided by La Misericordia in front of the cathedral in Plaza del Obispo. Then, head for the Alameda Principal to witness a unique sight in Malaga's Easter week; the crossing of the processions of La Esperanza and Mena at around 23:50. Afterwards, go to La Tribuna de los Pobres to hear the people of Malaga pay compliments to La Virgen de la Amargura (Zamarrilla) as it returns to its home district. Stay at this spot to receive the blessing of the Nazareno del Paso and accompany La Virgen de la Esperanza on its return home across the carpet of rosemary that now covers the streets of Malaga. And if you still have sufficient strength, head for the church of San Juan to witness the moving departure of the Cristo de la Vera-Cruz on its way to the cathedral.
The processions of the day are:
The Thursday is without doubt the most popular day of the Holy Week Malaga in terms of attendance, which makes it difficult to get around and find spots that are not too crowded.
- Morning -

- Afternoon/evening -
We recommend that you head for Calle Carretería at 17:30 to see the departure of the Viñeros society and witness the ceremonial placing of the key in the hand of the Nazarene. Afterwards, at 18:30, make for the Alameda Principal to see the walking catherdrals that are the tronos of La Sagrada Cena and La Virgen de la Paz. At the nearby Puente de Tetuán you can admire the procession of the Congregación de Mena accompanied by the Legion and the Navy. Then, if you can manage to exit the Alameda Principal via a side street, go to Calle San Agustín to follow the sombre cortege of La Santa Cruz until it reaches Plaza de la Merced at around 21:00.
- Night -
After a visit to one of the restaurants in the town centre to sample the wide variety of tapas and dishes on offer, you can enjoy the visual feast provided by La Misericordia in front of the cathedral in Plaza del Obispo. Then, head for the Alameda Principal to witness a unique sight in Malaga's Easter week; the crossing of the processions of La Esperanza and Mena at around 23:50. Afterwards, go to La Tribuna de los Pobres to hear the people of Malaga pay compliments to La Virgen de la Amargura (Zamarrilla) as it returns to its home district. Stay at this spot to receive the blessing of the Nazareno del Paso and accompany La Virgen de la Esperanza on its return home across the carpet of rosemary that now covers the streets of Malaga. And if you still have sufficient strength, head for the church of San Juan to witness the moving departure of the Cristo de la Vera-Cruz on its way to the cathedral.
The processions of the day are:
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