However, in the Baroque period, full of effect
and exaggeration, there were also excesses, such as the grand proliferation of
aforementioned flagellating penitents, as well as others, such as the
ostentation of the more well off classes, who would choose the best places in
the procession and adorn their Nazarene costumes with emblems. All of this led
the Ecclesiastic Authorities to dictate rules regulating such excesses and try
to redirect the Brotherhoods back to piety.
The Enlightenment (18th century), brought with
it a different way of thinking and the “enlightened” society viewed the
Brotherhoods as a reflection of obscurantism and religious superstition. This
new approach to popular religiousness led the Authorities to take steps and
dictate regulations (on occasions scarcely complied with) designed to promote
public order and composure, during the processions, eliminating any excesses.
As if that were not enough, the 19th century
did not start well for the Brotherhoods in Malaga. With the Napoleonic
invasions came continued sacking of the Brotherhoods’ heritage, with which a
large part of what had been accumulated up to that time disappeared into the
hands of foreigners. On top of that, after the Spanish War of Independence, an
event took place that was to affect the very foundations of the Brotherhoods.
The Mendizabal’s Disentailment Act in 1835 eliminated a large number of
convents including, naturally, many in Malaga. For many centuries the convents
had been the headquarters of the Brotherhoods. In fact, in the Baroque period
some monastic orders, such as the Franciscans, had been significantly active in
disseminating certain devotions, showing great interest in founding penitential
Brotherhoods. The disappearance of these convents forced the Brotherhoods to
find new temples to house their images, from where they could initiate their
processions during Holy Week. Another significant event was the creation of
municipal cemeteries, which caused the “burial society” function of the
Brotherhoods to fall into decline, as people were now being buried in municipal
spaces designed specifically for that purpose, although the Brotherhoods also
purchased niches and pantheons in the new cemeteries for their members.
The beginning of the 20th century was not all
that promising either. The economical crisis at the time in Malaga, with the
failure of the local iron and steelwork industry and the plague of phyloxera
that destroyed the vines, logically affected the Brotherhoods, especially in
terms of revenue. This delicate financial situation, which made it impossible
for a good number of Brotherhoods to carry out their annual processions, would
be what motivated the creation, in 1921, of the MALAGA HOLY WEEK BROTHERHOODS
ASSOCIATION, the most veteran of its kind in the country. From the first
moment, the main function of this organisation was to obtain the necessary
financial support to pay the expenses of the processions, particularly those of
the most needy Brotherhoods and in fact it was precisely in the 20s that our
Holy Week began to become very popular. Together with the return of the
Brotherhoods that had been declining in previous centuries, new ones were
founded. Furthermore, there was the stimulus of promoting winter tourism, which
even then was present in Malaga; processions constituted an additional
attraction for the tourist of the times and, just as it does now, an
unquestionable source of revenue for the city.
The districts and their links with the
Brotherhoods. In the 50s, Our Lady Ntra. Sra. de la Piedad was carried in
procession through the streets of the Molinillo district
This golden age was unfortunately cut short due
to political and social reasons. On the night of the 11th-12th May 1931,
recently inaugurated the Second Republic, rioting groups of anarchists
ransacked the temples of the city, destroying everything they contained. The
ignorance and intolerance of a few destroyed the devotional heritage of our
city accumulated over centuries. A dreadful interpretation of what constitutes
faith and beliefs destroyed that which had united in belief generations of
Malaga’s citizens. Following these events, the stormy social climate obliged
the suspension of the procession, although in 1935 some Brotherhoods were able
to take to the streets (since then called "the brave") risking the
little heritage they had managed to get together. In 1936, the Spanish Civil
War brought another wave of destruction, which more or less finished up with
everything that had been saved from the previous outrage.
The post-war period was hard for everyone,
including, of course, the processional Brotherhoods. Recovery of their
patrimony would also be affected by the social and political circumstances of
the conflict. The winners, with a clear “national-catholic” spirit, fostered
the processions as a triumph over the enemies of the Catholic faith, magnifying
and unashamedly politicising, during the first years, something that is so much
“of the people” as the processions. As a result, the presence of military
forces increased notably, although it had already been conspicuous in previous
centuries. Another significant aspect would be the increase in the size of the
tronos, on one hand due to the before mentioned desire to highlight the victory
of the Catholic faith over the “atheist republican”, magnifying the tronos on
which the sacred images were carried. On the other hand, however, the not
always smooth relations between the Brotherhoods and the clergy would lead to
an Episcopal decree prohibiting the assembly of the tronos within the temples,
due to the inconvenience this caused for the celebration of the religious
services during those days. This meant that, not having to worry about the size
of the doors of the temple (at that time only the procession of the Viñeros
performed a penitential rite inside the Cathedral), the size of the trono was
not a problem. This in turn gave rise to other new elements in the procession
and which are disappearing today, such as the “tinglaos”, metal structures that
were built in the streets to house the trono and protect it (somewhat
inefficiently) from bad weather.
In the 1960s the mentality of the Brotherhoods
changed. Whilst the reconstruction following the Spanish Civil War had given
local artists the opportunity of creating works of art, producing a good number
of images clearly inspired in the Granada school of images, which had always
been the tradition in Malaga, now the Boards of the processional Brotherhoods
began to focus on the Brotherhoods of Seville. The new commissions, both for
images and tronos as well as other elements would from then on be sent to
Seville, this having an effect that has lasted until present times. Another
important occurrence was the incorporation of young people in the Brotherhoods,
with active participation. However, everything was not going to be a bed or
roses for the new Brotherhoods.
The different mentality of those at the time in
charge of running the Brotherhoods was to provoke tensions within these and the
new democratic regime in Spain in the 70s coincided with a movement of the
young people who settled the generational disputes by creating Brotherhoods,
based on a different vision of Holy Week. Now what was important was not so
much the sumptuousness of the processions, but being able to leave from
Brotherhood temple and perform a penitential rite in the Cathedral, an option
that was made available to all the Malaga Brotherhoods by the Bishop in 1988
(until then only the Viñeros and Pasión Brotherhoods had held this privilege).
This brings us to the present day, in which two
forms of living and understanding Holy Week co-exist. Together with the school
of thought developed in the post-war period (huge tronos, sumptuousness and
luxury in the processional cortege), there is the other way of thinking, which
began to appear at the end of the 70s with the new Brotherhoods (penitential
spirit, greater austerity and putting greater weight on performing the
penitential rite). In any case variety is something that defines the very essence
of our Holy Week, a powerful reason to visit our city and enjoy this
celebration that, for the people of Malaga, unquestionably marks the beginning
of spring.
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